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                 HTH Consulting                     
19805 West Kelly Road, Benton City, WA 99320
Phone: 509-528-7542  E-mail:

HTH Consulting is a privately owned small business enterprise. We have a distinctive history of involvement in, and a thorough understanding of the hazardous and mixed waste industries.

Our services include regulatory permitting, facility compliance audits, and agency interface in strict confidence.

HTH has earned the distinction of being a quality supplier of regulatory services to the Department of Energy and its contractors. With over 27 years experience in managing hazardous and mixed wastes, our growth and reputation results from providing top-notch, project focused, and results oriented services at competitive prices.

HTH closely coordinates activities with their clients to ensure all phases of each project are properly executed and completed in an efficient, results focused manner.

We are committed to exceeding customer expectations by responding to their requirements, fulfilling our commitments, and focusing on their interests. We believe our ultimate success is achieved through the success and satisfaction of our customers.

Developing long-term relationships with every customer is our ultimate goal. To achieve this challenge, we ensure all parties involved are satisfied with the services and solutions provided. We approach every project with the commitment to provide the highest quality service.